National public platform:
«Reform of police: transparency and responsibility»



Dear friends,

the National Public Platform "Reforming Ministry of Interior: transparency and accountability", was established in early 2015 as the expert community initiative that brings together experts of national and international institutions, scientists, government authorities and veterans of law enforcement agencies.

Putting aim to provide sustainable and transparent process of Ministry of Interior reform, platform as main objectives determines:

1. The implementation of the international principles of Ministry of Interior development.

2. Expert assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

3. Monitoring the reform process.

4. Information support to the reform process.

Highly appreciating the experience and inspiration, we invite all motivated experts to join a work within the following thematic groups:

Working Group 1. Public Examination of Ministry of Interior, analysis of the current resources.

Working Group 2. Optimization of structure, legislation support of the reform process.

Working Group 3. Cooperation with local authorities.

Working Group 4. The new system of performance indicators.

Working Group 5. Reform of police education system.

Working Group 6. Human Resources and changes in the personnel procedures.

Working Group 7. Community policing principles, sociological dimension of changes.

Working Group 8. Internal control and combating corruption, improving transparency and accountability.

Working Group 9. Information policy and PR.

In the case of your consent, we would appreciate a response indicating the selected topics, as well as suggestions on the format of our cooperation.

Launching Platforms working meeting will take place in the next two weeks, as you will be notified later.

All your colleagues will find us at [email protected], as well as through a web portal




Kharkiv Human Rights Group

Eugen  Zakharov, Director

Center of the Law Enforcement Activities Research

Oleg Martynenko, Director



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